An Interview with Author Carol Anne Douglas

Lancelot Her Story by Carol Anne Douglas

Lancelot Her Story by Carol Anne Douglas
Joining me today is author, Carol Anne Douglas, and she’s talking to me about her Arthurian legend that has a somewhat different twist. Thank you, Carol Anne, for taking the time to chat to me. Please sit down, get comfortable and let’s begin.
About Carol Anne Douglas
Carol Anne Douglas lives in books, except when she is in the woods or by the river. She worked many years as a magazine editor and now is a full-time writer. She has also taught Women’s Studies at George Washington University. She lives in Washington, DC.

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Lucy says, “Woof! Don’t forget about my competition!”

Lucy Vampoosy Giveaway

Lucy Vampoosy Giveaway
Last competition for the year!
My goodness, it’s a good thing Lucy reminded me about this. I’ve had so much on my plate this past month (and none of it food) that I’d completely forgotten.

You might be wondering who Lucy is, and why I’d be holding a competition in her name. Firstly, Lucy is one of my dogs, and secondly, she’s the star of my upcoming children’s picture book, Lucy Vampoosy: The Little Vampire Dog. Yes, I’ve ventured into new territory yet again!

It didn’t take long to write Lucy’s story. After all, picture books aren’t overly wordy. On the other hand, the images used throughout the book took longer to get right, to a degree that Lucy was happy with. I spent more time on those images than I do writing my novels!

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An Interview with Author Richard T. Ryan

The Vatican Cameos A Sherlock Holmes Adventure Richard T. Ryan

The Vatican Cameos A Sherlock Holmes Adventure Richard T. Ryan
Author Richard T. Ryan is a lifelong Sherlockian whose own novel, based on the adventures of Sherlock Holmes, was released on paperback today! Thank you, Richard, for taking the time to chat to me. Please sit down, get comfortable and let’s begin.
About Richard T. Ryan
A lifelong Sherlockian, Richard T. Ryan is the author of “The Official Sherlock Holmes Trivia Book” as well as a book on Agatha Christie trivia. The paperback version of his first novel, “The Vatican Cameos: A Sherlock Holmes Adventure,” is due out today (Nov. 7) from MX Publishing, London. He is also currently working on his next Holmes adventure.

A graduate of the University of Notre Dame, where he majored in medieval literature, he is a die-hard fan of the Fighting Irish — it doesn’t matter what sport.

He has been happily married for 38 years and is the proud father of two children, Kaitlin and Michael.

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An Interview with Author L.S. Johnson

Vacui Magia L.S. Johnson

Vacui Magia L.S. Johnson
Joining me today, minus her four cats, is weird fiction and fantasy author, L.S. Johnson. Thank you, L.S., for taking the time to chat to me. Please sit down, get comfortable and let’s begin.
About L.S. Johnson
L.S. Johnson’s stories have appeared or are forthcoming in Strange Horizons, Interzone, Long Hidden, and Year’s Best Weird Fiction Vol. 3. Her first collection, Vacui Magia: Stories, is now available. Currently she’s working on a fantasy trilogy set in 18th century Europe.

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Halloween Promotions

Halloween Promotions

Halloween Promotions
Lots of freebies and bargains just in time for Halloween. Instead of filling up on candy, why not fill up on books instead. Your worst nightmares might come true, but at least your teeth with thank you!

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An Interview with Author Leeah Taylor

Surface Below Dark Secrets book cover Leeah Taylor

Surface Below Dark Secrets book cover Leeah Taylor
Joining me today to talk about her first book — hopefully one of many — is author Leeah Taylor. Thank you, Leeah, for taking the time to chat to me. Please sit down, get comfortable and let’s begin.
About Leeah Taylor
Leeah Taylor is an American paranormal romance writer. She’s been writing for nearly 18 years including, short stories, poetry and full length novels. Her love for the paranormal led her to write and publish her first novel, Surface Below: Dark Secrets in July of 2016. Leeah is a stay at home mom of two beautiful children, and a wife of 14 years. When she’s not writing, Leeah enjoys reading, crocheting and drawing.

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AMC Expo and the Rotten Appendix

AMC Expo 2

AMC Expo
That heading sounds a bit like the title for a rather strange Harry Potter book, doesn’t it? The only similarity between the two is that there were a number of Harry Potter cosplayers at AMC Expo, which is a pop culture convention, here in Melbourne (Australia).

Since attending Supanova earlier this year, I’ve become a fan of pop culture conventions. As soon as I knew the dates for AMC Expo — 15-16 October — weren’t going to conflict with anything else going on in my life, I happily submitted my application for a table in the Artists Alley. My son Kyle was excited as well, as he gets to help me and spend my money on lots of cool stuff. (He does pay me back, it just takes time.)

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An Interview with Author C.E. Martin

Outlaws of Olympus book cover C.E. Martin

Outlaws of Olympus book cover C.E. Martin
Joining me today, after having to drag him away kicking and screaming from the comfy recliner in his basement, is author C.E. Martin. Thank you, C.E., for taking the time to chat to me. Please sit down, get comfortable and let’s begin.
About C.E. Martin
With real-world experience in law enforcement and a long-time interest in pulp adventure, C.E Martin delivers page-turning excitement, intrigue and plenty of battles with out-of-this-world creatures through his Stone Soldiers supernatural military thriller series.

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An Interview with Author Cynthia E. Hurst

Zukie's Promise book cover Cynthia E Hurst

Zukie's Promise book cover Cynthia E Hurst
Joining me today to talk about the 7th book in her Zukie Merlino Mysteries is author Cynthia E. Hurst. Thank you, Cynthia, for taking the time to chat to me. Please sit down, get comfortable and let’s begin.
About Cynthia E. Hurst
Cynthia E. Hurst is the author of the R&P Labs Mysteries series, featuring Rob, Phil, Ellis, Virginia and Mitch — five scientists with a talent for solving murders matched only by their ability to stumble over them in the first place.

The Zukie Merlino mysteries are a spin-off of these. The main character first appeared in the R&P Labs short story “Halfbaked” and promptly insisted on being featured in her own series of full-length novels.

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Winners are Grinners – How Poetic!

The Winners

The Winners
Twisted Poems of a Warped Mind — Competition Winners
As with my previous competitions, the email addresses for all potential winners were entered into a random list picker, courtesy of Random-ize.

After each winner was randomly chosen, they were removed from the list to ensure they couldn’t be randomly selected again. It’s a long and tedious process, but it’s a fair one.

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