The Prolific Reader — An instaFreebie Repository

The Prolific Reader

The Prolific Reader is now live!

instaFreebie books via The Prolific Reader

What’s The Prolific Reader all about?

As the title of this post suggests, The Prolific Reader is a repository of free books that are available to download via instaFreebie.

The difference between The Prolific Reader and other instaFreebie promotions is that all books listed here are permanent or semi-permanent (minimum three months) and are available to download from instaFreebie for as long as they are listed on the page. If a book has a ‘download expiry date’ on instaFreebie, it will be displayed in the listing. (Most instaFreebie promotions are for books that only have a short window of opportunity to download them. Blink and you’ve missed your chance!)

Over the past month I have been working with over 72 authors to bring together 88 books in the following genres:

  • Fantasy (urban / dark / paranormal)
  • Paranormal Romance
  • Science Fiction
  • Horror
  • Children’s Fiction
  • UPDATE December 17, 2016
    The Prolific Reader now includes all genres except erotica. Check back often to see what new genres have been added, and of course the new books!

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    1K Book Challenge Update One

    1K Book Challenge: Update One or Final Results

    1K Book Challenge: Update One

    1K book challenge update one: three months into the challenge …
    As an independent author, I understand all too well the challenge of gaining recognition, and a following. (I refer to all of my followers as ‘angel followers’. It’s a phrase I’m using in book five — Angel’s Demon — of the Angel Series, and it relates to a number of characters appearing in that book.) It’s easy to self-publish, but much harder to have your voice heard in an ocean of constant chatter.

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    New Release! Angel’s Messiah

    Angel's Messiah Book Cover 3D

    Angel's Messiah 3D Book Cover
    I was a bit late in announcing to the world that Angel’s Curse (book two) had been published. This time I’m a few days ahead of myself by announcing that Angel’s Messiah will be released on June 10!

    This weekend I’ll be at Oz Comic-Con Melbourne promoting the latest instalment in the Angel Series, so if you happen to attend, stop by at Stand 120, say hello and have your photo taken!

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    1000 Books Challenge

    1000 Books Challenge

    1000 Books Challenge
    I’ve been trying to come up with clever and somewhat unique marketing strategies, at least until I have a good following.

    Recently on Facebook and Twitter I posted the ‘1000 books challenge’. There’s a photo of me — which is a rarity in itself — holding up a sign saying that if any of my books reaches 1000 sales by the end of 2016, I’ll get a tattoo. (That’s me, in the photo at the top of this post.)

    Part of me hopes people will get behind this campaign, buy one of the ebooks — they’re cheap compared to a paperback — share the post and make it go viral. The introvert inside of me hopes no one will pay any attention and I can go on, like many wines, as a cleanskin.

    Then I start to think … Is 1000 books too low? What tattoo would I get, and where? Am I crazy?

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    Oops, I Made a Mistake!

    I made a mistake

    I made a mistake
    Oh dear, I made a mistake. It’s the type of mistake that only hurts you, and no one else. It’s a mistake I don’t wish to repeat … let me elaborate, as I usually do.

    I’ve been really busy lately. I had to:

    • make sure Angel’s Kiss was all set to be made available on NetGalley for the month of February
    • work on preparations for attending Supanova in Melbourne (Apr 15-17). If you haven’t already done so, check out the business card holders I made to take to SupaNova
    • finalise the Kindle Touch and Cover Competition that I’d been running
    • reformat Angel’s Kiss — I disliked the large first line indent in the paperback
    • update the cover for Angel’s Kiss — reduced indent size meant reduced page count, which meant the original spine was too wide
    • work on the third, fourth and fifth Angel Series books. The sixth one can wait for now … there’s only so much I can do!

    To top it off, I still have my day job to go to. When I’ve sold my first 100,000 books I’ll think about scaling back the day job.

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    Wanted: Beta Readers

    Beta Readers

    Beta Readers
    I’m currently looking for beta readers for my next book in the Angel Series — and any books that follow that one. Registration is open until November 20 (AEDT).

    If you’re interested,

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