An Interview with Author Rosetta Bloom

Beauty and Her Beastly Love by Rosetta Bloom

Beauty and Her Beastly Love by Rosetta Bloom
Today I’m interviewing author Rosetta Bloom, who loves a good fairy tale, some heart-warming and sometimes steamy romance, and combines these elements into stories that grown-ups can devour. Thank you, Rosetta, for taking the time to chat to me. Please sit down, get comfortable and let’s begin.
About Rosetta Bloom
Rosetta Bloom loves a good love story. She also likes a steamy tale with two characters who find solace in each other’s arms. So, she writes romance and erotic romances, and all of them end happily, because Rosetta hates sad endings. If you want a story that has a few surprises, and lots of heart, then she’s writing the story for you.

Rosetta Bloom’s primary novels and novellas are sexy retellings of classic fairy tales. They include The Princess, the Pea and the Night of Passion; Beauty and Her Beastly Love; Cinders and Ash: A Cinderella Story; Dream Trysts: A Sleeping Beauty Story; Finding Bliss: A Dream Trysts Story and Ravishing Rapunzel. Rosetta loves adding new life to these classic tales and hopes you enjoy the tweaked versions, too. Rosetta also has a series of really short erotic love stories called the Romance: Trysts series. You can read the first one, Dr. Carter & Mrs. Sinn, FREE. There are four in the series, and if you like the first, you can grab the rest individually or pick up the boxed set, Romance: Trysts Volumes 1-4.

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An Interview with Author Dr. Sharon A. Mitchell

Autism Goes to School – Book One of the School Daze Series book cover Dr. Sharon A. Mitchell

Autism Goes to School – Book One of the School Daze Series book cover Dr. Sharon A. Mitchell
Joining me today is Dr. Sharon A. Mitchell, who seeks to entertain, as well as inform, with her stories on autism. A little research on my part and I found that a study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, in the USA) identified 1 in 68 children as having autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Someone in your family may be autistic, or a family member of a friend. If not, chances are you’ll meet someone with autism at some point in your life. I’m sure we’ll learn even more during the interview. Thank you, Dr. Mitchell, for taking the time to chat to me. Please sit down, get comfortable and let’s begin.
About Dr. Sharon A. Mitchell
Dr. Sharon A. Mitchell has worked as teacher, counselor, psychologist and consultant for several decades. Her Masters and PhD. degrees focused on autism spectrum disorders and helping kids to reach as high a level of independence as possible.

The first book in the series, “Autism Goes to School” is an award-winning Amazon bestseller. Yes, life with autism has its struggles, but there are strengths as well and the fun parts that any family experiences. The book is full of the challenges inherent in autism plus strategies that make life easier for all concerned. It’s a story about a single dad doing the best he can. One in sixty-eight American children has an autism spectrum disorder and one in every forty-two boys. Every teacher will have a child with autism in their classroom. Every coach will meet a child with autism. If autism has not touched your family, it will affect your friends or neighbors.

Autism Goes to School has been followed by these books; Autism Runs Away, Autism Belongs, Autism Talks and Talks, Autism Grows Up, and, coming in 2017 is The Autism Goes to School Workbook and the Prequel to Autism Goes to School. Join the kids and staff of Madson School as they learn and grow and welcome others with special needs into their midst.

When not writing, Sharon works as an autism consultant, teaches university classes and works on their grain farm in western Canada.

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An Interview with Author Ulff Lehmann

Shattered Dreams by Ulff Lehmann

Shattered Dreams by Ulff Lehmann
Joining me today is author, Ulff Lehmann, who has a lot to say about writing, and his epic fantasy ‘Shattered’ books in general. Thank you, Ulff, for taking the time to chat to me. Please sit down, get comfortable and let’s begin.
About Ulff Lehmann
German born but English writing author, Ulff Lehmann, was raised reading almost any and everything, from the classic Greek to Roman to Germanic myths to more appropriate fiction for children his age. Initially devouring books in his native language, he switched to reading English books during a year long stay in the USA as a foreign exchange student.

In the years since, he has lost count of the books he has read, unwilling to dig into the depths of his collection. An avid fantasy reader, he grew dissatisfied with the constant lack of technological evolution in many a fantasy world, and finally, when push came to shove, he began to realize not only his potential as a story teller but also his vision of a mythical yet realistic world in which to settle the tale in he had been developing for 20 years.

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An Interview with Author Alasdair Shaw

Liberty by author Alisdair Shaw

Liberty by author Alisdair Shaw
Joining me today is author Alasdair Shaw, who would be just as comfortable talking to Stephen Hawking or Sheldon Cooper about Theoretical Physics as he is about talking to me as an author. Thank you, Alasdair, for taking the time to chat to me. Please sit down, get comfortable and let’s begin.
About Alasdair Shaw
Alasdair Shaw grew up in Lancashire, within easy reach of the Yorkshire Dales, Pennines, Lake District and Snowdonia. After stints living in Cambridge, North Wales, and the Cotswolds, he has lived in Somerset since 2002.

He has been rock climbing, mountaineering, caving, kayaking and skiing as long as he can remember. Growing up he spent most of his spare time in the hills. Recently he has been doing more sea kayaking and swimming.

Alasdair studied at the University of Cambridge, leaving in 2000 with an MA in Natural Sciences and an MSci in Experimental and Theoretical Physics. He went on to earn a PGCE, specialising in Science and Physics, from the University of Bangor. A secondary teacher for over fifteen years, he has plenty of experience communicating scientific ideas.

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An Interview with Author E. V. Darcy

An Unconventional Meeting by E. V. Darcy

An Unconventional Meeting by E. V. Darcy
Joining me today is author E. V. Darcy, with a cross stitch in one hand and a book in the other. Thank you, Evie, for taking the time to chat to me. Please sit down, get comfortable and let’s begin.
About E. V. Darcy
E. V. Darcy is a high school teacher with a Bachelor of Arts in Imaginative Writing from Liverpool John Moores University.

She lives in the north of England with her husband and rather large — and very spoilt — dog, Jabba, who she rescued in 2015.

When Evie isn’t writing you can find her binge watching her favourite T.V. shows, playing computer games, or walking her much loved dog.

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Santa Carla: A New Breed of Store Supporting Independent Artists

Santa Carla 7

Santa Carla 7
If you’re an independent artist, getting your wares into physical stores can be a challenge. Now, before I go any further, let me clarify that by ‘artist’, I’m referring to any person skilled in a creative activity to produce an end product. For example, my sister is a glass artist and I am an artist of the written word.

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An Interview with Author Steven McKinnon

Boldly Going Nowhere by Steven McKinnon

Boldly Going Nowhere by Steven McKinnon
Joining me today, and hoping that his knowledge of pop culture might come in useful, or that I’m happy to have Iron Maiden playing in the background, is author Steven McKinnon. Thank you, Steven, for taking the time to chat to me. Please sit down, get comfortable and let’s begin.
About Steven McKinnon
Steven McKinnon is an independent writer living, eating and just about breathing in Glasgow.

He is the author of ‘Boldly Going Nowhere’, in which he tells the story of how he broke free from the suffocating rut he was in, which involved many instances of embarrassing himself when talking to girls.

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An Interview with Author Dominique Mondesir

Origins (Fallen Angels, Book 1) by Dominique Mondesir
Joining me today is another author who writes about angels, Dominique Mondesir. Thank you, Dominique, for taking the time to chat to me. Please sit down, get comfortable and let’s begin.
About Dominique Mondesir
Dominique Mondesir has wanted to be a writer since the age of sixteen. He could remember reading The Hobbit and Harry Potter late at night and thinking, I could do that. More than ten years later and he has.

His first book Origins (Fallen Angels) was published in September 2015, with three more released so far.

He lives in England with his girlfriend and cat and hopes to travel the world before he gets too old.

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An Interview with Author J.A. Pipes

All Lesser Means by JA Pipes

All Lesser Means by J.A. Pipes
As the saying goes, there’s no rest for the wicked, so while everyone else is still feasting or enjoying the post-Christmas sales, I’ve invited author J.A. Pipes to join me on the couch to talk about his book, All Lesser Means. Thank you, J.A., for taking the time to chat to me. Please sit down, get comfortable and let’s begin.
About J.A. Pipes
J.A. Pipes is a self-proclaimed politics junkie, anarchist podcaster and blogger. He has traveled the world from Uluru to Istanbul. He has dug up dinosaurs in the badlands of Montana and has served in the United States Marine Corps during Desert Storm. J.A. holds degrees in Computer Science and Mathematics from the University of Missouri, and is currently an engineer for the world’s largest aerospace company. He resides in St. Louis with his wife and two children.

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An Interview with Author CeeCee James

The Sour Taste of Suspicion by CeeCee James

The Sour Taste of Suspicion by CeeCee James
Joining me today on the couch is author CeeCee James, who likes her mysteries cozy! Thank you, CeeCee for taking the time to chat to me. Please sit down, get comfortable and let’s begin.
About CeeCee James
CeeCee James is a wife, mom of four rambunctious kids and pet mom to two mini-dashchunds. She’s always loved to read and always had her nose in a book– getting her into trouble at school when she’d sneak it in her text books.

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