Today I’m interviewing author Melanie Tomlin … that would be me! I’m not sure whether to sit a mirror on the couch next to me, or to hot-swap seats, from the interviewer position to the interviewee position. Confused? I know I am, and the interview hasn’t even started yet! So, I shall start by thanking myself for taking the time to chat with myself, and sitting down to get comfortable before I begin.
About Melanie Tomlin
Melanie Tomlin was born in Beeston, England. At the age of three her family moved to suburban Melbourne, Australia, where she has lived ever since. When she was twelve her parents bought her a typewriter, and she wrote her first novel that very same year. She still has the typewriter, which is somewhat worse for wear, but that first manuscript is now nothing but a distant memory.
The Prolific Reader — An instaFreebie Repository
The Prolific Reader is now live!
What’s The Prolific Reader all about?
As the title of this post suggests, The Prolific Reader is a repository of free books that are available to download via instaFreebie.
The difference between The Prolific Reader and other instaFreebie promotions is that all books listed here are permanent or semi-permanent (minimum three months) and are available to download from instaFreebie for as long as they are listed on the page. If a book has a ‘download expiry date’ on instaFreebie, it will be displayed in the listing. (Most instaFreebie promotions are for books that only have a short window of opportunity to download them. Blink and you’ve missed your chance!)
Over the past month I have been working with over 72 authors to bring together 88 books in the following genres:
UPDATE December 17, 2016
The Prolific Reader now includes all genres except erotica. Check back often to see what new genres have been added, and of course the new books!
An Interview with Author Nicole Garcia
Joining me today, and ever the romantic, is author Nicole Garcia. Thank you, Nicole, for taking the time to chat to me. Please sit down, get comfortable and let’s begin.
About Nicole Garcia
N.Y. Times Bestselling author Nicole Garcia has a degree in Nursing, but has been a stay at home mom for the past 9 years. Her passion is reading and she decided to make a career out of sharing her love for books. Writing and promoting has become a full time job for her now. Currently Nicole writes steamy Paranormal, Contemporary, and New Adult Romance, but plans to write other genres in the future. Hope you will join her in all the fun ahead.
An Interview with Author K. de Long
Author K. de Long, also known as Katie de Long, joins me today to talk about dream of becoming a crazy cat-lady and, of course, one of her many books. Thank you, Katie, for taking the time to chat to me. Please sit down, get comfortable and let’s begin.
About K. de Long
USA Today Bestseller K. de Long lives in the Pacific northwest, realizing her dream of being a crazy cat-lady. As a kid, she flagged the fade-to-blacks in every adult book she encountered, and when she began writing, she vowed to use cutaways sparingly. After all, that’s when the good stuff happens. And on a kindle, no one asks why there’s so many bookmarks in her library.
An Interview with Lucy Vampoosy
Lying comfortably on the couch, demanding one treat for every question asked (whether she answers them or not), is Lucy Vampoosy, the dog who has become an overnight sensation with the release of a book based on her life.
How did you come to live with the Tomlin family?
Lucy: Woof, woof, woof, woof, woof.
Translation: They adopted me from the Lost Dogs Home in North Melbourne. I clearly remember the day they came. They’d been looking for a companion for their other dog, Snoopy, for a few months, and decided to visit the Lost Dogs Home on the way home from a funeral. When they saw me there, they fell in love with me. They asked if they could bring Snoopy in to see if we got along, but were told someone else was coming to collect me later in the afternoon. They left a contact number just in case things didn’t work out. Two hours later their phone rang and they were asked if they were still interested in adopting me. They brought Snoopy to meet me, and the first thing he tried to do was wee on my head! Of course, they took that as a good sign, and as I didn’t complain, I got to go home with them. (I did get my revenge by weeing on the carpet.)
An Interview with Author Carol Anne Douglas
Joining me today is author, Carol Anne Douglas, and she’s talking to me about her Arthurian legend that has a somewhat different twist. Thank you, Carol Anne, for taking the time to chat to me. Please sit down, get comfortable and let’s begin.
About Carol Anne Douglas
Carol Anne Douglas lives in books, except when she is in the woods or by the river. She worked many years as a magazine editor and now is a full-time writer. She has also taught Women’s Studies at George Washington University. She lives in Washington, DC.
An Interview with Author Richard T. Ryan
Author Richard T. Ryan is a lifelong Sherlockian whose own novel, based on the adventures of Sherlock Holmes, was released on paperback today! Thank you, Richard, for taking the time to chat to me. Please sit down, get comfortable and let’s begin.
About Richard T. Ryan
A lifelong Sherlockian, Richard T. Ryan is the author of “The Official Sherlock Holmes Trivia Book” as well as a book on Agatha Christie trivia. The paperback version of his first novel, “The Vatican Cameos: A Sherlock Holmes Adventure,” is due out today (Nov. 7) from MX Publishing, London. He is also currently working on his next Holmes adventure.
A graduate of the University of Notre Dame, where he majored in medieval literature, he is a die-hard fan of the Fighting Irish — it doesn’t matter what sport.
He has been happily married for 38 years and is the proud father of two children, Kaitlin and Michael.
An Interview with Author L.S. Johnson
Joining me today, minus her four cats, is weird fiction and fantasy author, L.S. Johnson. Thank you, L.S., for taking the time to chat to me. Please sit down, get comfortable and let’s begin.
About L.S. Johnson
L.S. Johnson’s stories have appeared or are forthcoming in Strange Horizons, Interzone, Long Hidden, and Year’s Best Weird Fiction Vol. 3. Her first collection, Vacui Magia: Stories, is now available. Currently she’s working on a fantasy trilogy set in 18th century Europe.
An Interview with Author Leeah Taylor
Joining me today to talk about her first book — hopefully one of many — is author Leeah Taylor. Thank you, Leeah, for taking the time to chat to me. Please sit down, get comfortable and let’s begin.
About Leeah Taylor
Leeah Taylor is an American paranormal romance writer. She’s been writing for nearly 18 years including, short stories, poetry and full length novels. Her love for the paranormal led her to write and publish her first novel, Surface Below: Dark Secrets in July of 2016. Leeah is a stay at home mom of two beautiful children, and a wife of 14 years. When she’s not writing, Leeah enjoys reading, crocheting and drawing.
An Interview with Author C.E. Martin
Joining me today, after having to drag him away kicking and screaming from the comfy recliner in his basement, is author C.E. Martin. Thank you, C.E., for taking the time to chat to me. Please sit down, get comfortable and let’s begin.
About C.E. Martin
With real-world experience in law enforcement and a long-time interest in pulp adventure, C.E Martin delivers page-turning excitement, intrigue and plenty of battles with out-of-this-world creatures through his Stone Soldiers supernatural military thriller series.