An Interview with Author E. V. Darcy

An Unconventional Meeting by E. V. Darcy

An Unconventional Meeting by E. V. Darcy
Joining me today is author E. V. Darcy, with a cross stitch in one hand and a book in the other. Thank you, Evie, for taking the time to chat to me. Please sit down, get comfortable and let’s begin.
About E. V. Darcy
E. V. Darcy is a high school teacher with a Bachelor of Arts in Imaginative Writing from Liverpool John Moores University.

She lives in the north of England with her husband and rather large — and very spoilt — dog, Jabba, who she rescued in 2015.

When Evie isn’t writing you can find her binge watching her favourite T.V. shows, playing computer games, or walking her much loved dog.

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An Interview with Author Nicole Garcia

Decadent Dreams by Nicole Garcia

Decadent Dreams by Nicole Garcia
Joining me today, and ever the romantic, is author Nicole Garcia. Thank you, Nicole, for taking the time to chat to me. Please sit down, get comfortable and let’s begin.
About Nicole Garcia
N.Y. Times Bestselling author Nicole Garcia has a degree in Nursing, but has been a stay at home mom for the past 9 years. Her passion is reading and she decided to make a career out of sharing her love for books. Writing and promoting has become a full time job for her now. Currently Nicole writes steamy Paranormal, Contemporary, and New Adult Romance, but plans to write other genres in the future. Hope you will join her in all the fun ahead.

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