An Interview with Author Michael Chatfield

Sacremon Book Cover Michael Chatfield

Sacremon Book Cover Michael Chatfield
Author and Infanteer Michael Chatfield joins me to talk about ‘Sacremon’, the first book in his ‘Harmony War’ series. Thank you, Michael, for taking the time to chat to me. Please sit down, get comfortable and let’s begin.
About Michael Chatfield
Having spent the majority of his childhood jumping from country to country with his mother, Michael Chatfield now travels the world searching for inspiration. He calls Canada home, for now, but regularly bounces across the pond to his true home, the UK. Michael pays the bills as an Infanteer in the Canadian military.

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An Interview with Author Amy Rachiele

Mobster's Gamble Amy Rachiele

Mobster's Gamble Amy Rachiele
I’d like to introduce to you the latest author in my round of author interviews, Amy Rachiele. Thank you, Amy, for taking the time to chat to me. Please sit down, get comfortable and let’s begin.
About Amy Rachiele
Amy is a widowed military spouse and brat who spent many years volunteering and on staff for the Army National Guard, and who has a propensity for writing about alpha-male mobsters. Her first self-published book is Mobster’s Girl and it made it to the amazon’s bestseller list for romance and family saga.

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An Interview with Author Elizabeth Crowens

Silent Meridian Book Cover Elizabeth Crowens

Silent Meridian Book Cover Elizabeth Crowens
It’s time for another author interview! I’d like to give a big welcome to Elizabeth Crowens. Thank you, Elizabeth, for taking the time to chat to me. Please sit down, get comfortable and let’s begin.
About Elizabeth Crowens
Elizabeth Crowens is the pen name author of SILENT MERIDIAN, book one in the Time Traveler Professor series, an alternate history/ “spooky steampunk” novel. She has published a variety of non-fiction articles. Recently she won an Honorable Mention in Glimmer Train’s fiction short story contest for Emerging Writers.

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Oz Comic-Con Melbourne 2016

Oz Comic-Con Melbourne 2016

Oz Comic-Con Melbourne 2016

Oz Comic-Con Melbourne 2016 — Day One

As Oz Comic-Con was my second pop culture convention, I wasn’t a bundle of nerves on day one, like I was for Supanova.

There were no wardrobe malfunctions, thank goodness. My wig stayed firmly in place and my corset actually gave me some cleavage for the via of angel’s blood to nestle nicely in my bosom. Yeah, I’m sure you really didn’t want to hear that, but it’s my story, and I’ll tell it the way I want, like I always do 🙂

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An Interview with Author LJ Cohen

Dreadnoughts and Shuttle LJ Cohen

Dreadnoughts and Shuttle LJ Cohen
Joining me today on the couch is author LJ Cohen. Thank you, LJ, for taking the time to chat to me. Please sit down, get comfortable and let’s begin.
About LJ Cohen
LJ Cohen is a poet, novelist, blogger, ceramics artist, local food enthusiast, Doctor Who fan, and relentless optimist. After almost twenty-five years as a physical therapist, she now uses her anatomical knowledge and myriad clinical skills to injure characters in her science fiction and fantasy novels.

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New Release! Angel’s Messiah

Angel's Messiah Book Cover 3D

Angel's Messiah 3D Book Cover
I was a bit late in announcing to the world that Angel’s Curse (book two) had been published. This time I’m a few days ahead of myself by announcing that Angel’s Messiah will be released on June 10!

This weekend I’ll be at Oz Comic-Con Melbourne promoting the latest instalment in the Angel Series, so if you happen to attend, stop by at Stand 120, say hello and have your photo taken!

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Supanova Melbourne 2016

Supanova Melbourne 2016

Supanova Melbourne 2016

Supanova Melbourne 2016 — Day One

What a bundle of nerves I was on day one of Supanova!

Firstly there were wardrobe malfunctions. My wig kept wanting to run away and the collar I was wearing, which Hamley Bear kindly lent me, tried to do endless 360s around my neck. When I ventured out among the public my black wings got knocked a fair bit, as they extend beyond the usual width of a mortal being. In the end I simply turned sideways when the traffic was bad in order to protect my wings. No big deal at all. I did knock down a few dragons with my wings at one point though. At least now I know dragons are no match for me and my wings!

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Oops, I Made a Mistake!

I made a mistake

I made a mistake
Oh dear, I made a mistake. It’s the type of mistake that only hurts you, and no one else. It’s a mistake I don’t wish to repeat … let me elaborate, as I usually do.

I’ve been really busy lately. I had to:

  • make sure Angel’s Kiss was all set to be made available on NetGalley for the month of February
  • work on preparations for attending Supanova in Melbourne (Apr 15-17). If you haven’t already done so, check out the business card holders I made to take to SupaNova
  • finalise the Kindle Touch and Cover Competition that I’d been running
  • reformat Angel’s Kiss — I disliked the large first line indent in the paperback
  • update the cover for Angel’s Kiss — reduced indent size meant reduced page count, which meant the original spine was too wide
  • work on the third, fourth and fifth Angel Series books. The sixth one can wait for now … there’s only so much I can do!

To top it off, I still have my day job to go to. When I’ve sold my first 100,000 books I’ll think about scaling back the day job.

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