An Interview with Author Lydia Sherrer

Hocus Pocus Book One by Lydia Sherrer

Hocus Pocus Book One by Lydia Sherrer
Today I’m talking to fantasy author Lydia Sherrer, who loves tea, the Kentucky countryside and playing her ocarina. Thank you, Lydia, for taking the time to chat to me. Please sit down, get comfortable and let’s begin.
About Lydia Sherrer
Author of the Love, Lies, and Hocus Pocus magical adventure series, Lydia Sherrer is a fantasy author whose goal is to leave this world a better place than when she found it. With an urban fantasy series, multiple short stories and a novella under her belt, Lydia has been writing for over a decade and enjoys nothing more than a good book, a cup of tea, and a comfy chair in the sunshine. When not writing she loves to play her ocarina (think Zelda), and also enjoys traditional archery, cosplay, larping, and art.

Growing up in rural Kentucky, she was thoroughly corrupted by a deep love for its rolling countryside, despite the mosquitoes and hay fever. She was instilled with a craving for literature early on, and her parents had to wrestle books away from her at the dinner table. Though she graduated with a dual BA in Chinese and Arabic, having traveled the world she came home and decided to stay there. She currently resides in Louisville, KY with her loving and supportive husband, and their very vocal cat.

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An Interview with Author Colby R. Rice

The Given by Colby R. Rice

The Given by Colby R. Rice
Today I’m interviewing author Colby R. Rice, who describes herself as a shameless nerd and bookworm. Thank you, Colby, for taking the time to chat to me. Please sit down, get comfortable and let’s begin.
About Colby R. Rice
Dystopian, Sci-fi Thriller, Urban Fantasy, and Crime Noir(e) Novelist. Screenwriter. Film Director. Game Writer & Narrative Designer. Globetrotter. Fable Hunter. Action Junkie. Rebel Ragdoll.

A shameless nerd and bookworm since the age of five, Colby R. Rice is the author of The Given and The Taken, the first two novels in The Books of Ezekiel, a dystopian sci-fi and urban fantasy decalogy.

She was an Air Force BRAT born in Bitburg Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany and came to the States at the age of one. Colby bounced around a lot but finally settled in Tucson, where she could at last deal with her addictions to writing, legends & mythology, filmmaking, creative entrepreneurship, motorcycles, and traveling.

Now, armed with a mound of animal crackers and gallons of Coca-Cola, Colby takes on the fiction writing trinity (novel writing, screenwriting, and game writing) in a fight to the death!

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An Interview with Author Jamie Davis

Extreme Medical Services by Jamie Davis

Extreme Medical Services by Jamie Davis
Joining me today is well known podcaster and author, Jamie Davis, who takes being a paramedic to a whole new level in his urban fantasy ‘Extreme Medical Services’ series. Thank you, Jamie, for taking the time to chat to me. Please sit down, get comfortable and let’s begin.
About Jamie Davis
Jamie Davis, RN, NRP, B.A., A.S., host of the Nursing Show ( is a nationally recognized medical educator who began educating new emergency responders as a training officer for his local EMS program. As a media producer, he has been recognized for the MedicCast Podcast (, a weekly program for emergency medical providers like EMTs and paramedics, and the Nursing Show, a similar program for nurses and nursing students. His programs and resources have been downloaded over 6 million times by listeners and viewers.

Jamie lives in a home in the woods in Maryland with his wife, three children, and dog.

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An Interview with Author Laura Greenwood

Creatures by Laura Greenwood

Creatures by Laura Greenwood
Joining me on the couch today is author Laura Greenwood, who likes to write (that’s a given), cook and bake. Thank you, Laura, for taking the time to chat to me. Please sit down, get comfortable and let’s begin.
About Laura Greenwood
Laura is a speculative fiction & romance author, often mixed together! Whether it’s shifters, princesses or theatre lovers, the stories she writes are the ones that get stuck in her head!

When she’s not writing, she likes to cook and bake, as well as read a wide variety of genres. She’s also a Brownie Guide (or Girl Scout if you’re in the US) leader.

Her main series, the Paranormal Council, is a paranormal romance series featuring shifters, necromancers, witches and more.

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An Interview with Author Dominique Mondesir

Origins (Fallen Angels, Book 1) by Dominique Mondesir
Joining me today is another author who writes about angels, Dominique Mondesir. Thank you, Dominique, for taking the time to chat to me. Please sit down, get comfortable and let’s begin.
About Dominique Mondesir
Dominique Mondesir has wanted to be a writer since the age of sixteen. He could remember reading The Hobbit and Harry Potter late at night and thinking, I could do that. More than ten years later and he has.

His first book Origins (Fallen Angels) was published in September 2015, with three more released so far.

He lives in England with his girlfriend and cat and hopes to travel the world before he gets too old.

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An Interview with Author Melanie Tomlin

Angel's Body Book Cover

Angel's Body by Melanie Tomlin
Today I’m interviewing author Melanie Tomlin … that would be me! I’m not sure whether to sit a mirror on the couch next to me, or to hot-swap seats, from the interviewer position to the interviewee position. Confused? I know I am, and the interview hasn’t even started yet! So, I shall start by thanking myself for taking the time to chat with myself, and sitting down to get comfortable before I begin.
About Melanie Tomlin
Melanie Tomlin was born in Beeston, England. At the age of three her family moved to suburban Melbourne, Australia, where she has lived ever since. When she was twelve her parents bought her a typewriter, and she wrote her first novel that very same year. She still has the typewriter, which is somewhat worse for wear, but that first manuscript is now nothing but a distant memory.

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An Interview with Author Stacey E. Bryan

Day For Night Cover Stacey E. Bryan

Day For Night Cover Stacey E. Bryan
I’d like to give a big welcome to author Stacey E. Bryan, who is joining us today to tell us more about herself, and her latest novel. Thank you, Stacey, for taking the time to chat to me. Please sit down, get comfortable and let’s begin.
About Stacey E. Bryan
Stacey was raised in the San Fernando Valley but born in San Francisco, where she left part of her heart. She has worked on a dude ranch, coached gymnastics, and captions for the hearing impaired. Her work has appeared in several literary magazines in New York and L.A., including Ginosko and The Rag.

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